Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Laurie's new Facebook picture

My sister, Julie, and my friend, Kathy Thompson, made my day yesterday.

Yesterday I looked at my Facebook picture and decided I needed one that was more current. So I took some new portrait pictures from my laptop camera to put on Facebook. After a few pictures, I took one that shocked me: I looked old! Then I started laughing, and I took pictures while I was laughing, and finally used one of those pictures.

What made me laugh is that I know in Reality [1] I am not a body, there is no time or space, I am always God's Child and in the Presence  and within the Essence of God.

But still, it bothered me throughout the day, without me being aware of what was bothering me. And I had a tough day, which is unusual for me. At the gym, Kathy said, "Do you know how magnificently beautiful you are." I felt a knot in my throat and I coughed and barked at her, then felt my eyes tingle as the tears started to come. "Most of the time I believe it when you say that," I told her. "I don't know why, but I don't today. But it's okay, this too shall pass [2] ."

When we were done swimming, I dropped Kathy off at Bumpity Road, then went home.  As usual, I checked my email before going to bed. There was an email from my sister Julie. It was a note that she had left me a message on my Facebook page. It read: Love the picture. You look so young! 

Leave it to God to find someone to give me that message. And Julie, bless her dear heart, was a perfect someone to do that.

The messages from A Course in Miracles are there of course: I am not a body, I am as God created Me, [3] and others.

Why do I think God gave me that message, through Julie? After all, I am not young, nor old. I am eternal. Why would God have her say "you look so young" when God knows that being young is an aspect of the material dimensions, something that is referred to in metaphysical literature as being an illusion, a dream.

Because God knows me soooo well. He knows me completely. He knows that was the message I needed to trigger the healing of my thoughts. That doesn't mean it was the message everyone else would need for the healing of their thoughts, although, I'm sure it would work for some others, just not for everyone. Because in this world, each of God's teachers have different gifts. [4]

The answers I receive from God are direct to me, and I'm grateful to receive them. I pass them on to you with the knowledge that they might or might not not speak to you. Please take what you can use and leave the rest, with my blessings.

Everything is Love,



1. When I say here, in Reality, I am speaking of Spiritual Reality as defined in A Course in Miracles and other Metaphysical studies. In this specific instance, the thoughts after the word "Reality" are all aspects of this.

2.  "This too shall pass." A saying many are familiar with. Eckhart Tolle uses this saying to illuminate the concept of impermanence, or of all things being temporary in the material realm or dimensions. On the internet, see also this link to the wikipedia included with this article.

3. Lessons from ACIM.

4. God gives special gifts to His teachers, because they have a special role in His plan for Atonement. Their specialness is, of course, only temporary; set in time as a means of leading out of time. (M.4.1.4-5)

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