Monday, April 19, 2010

Immersion in Love

I woke up in Heaven in August, 1990. I was immersed in Love. And the Love was God. And God Loved me with the intensity and core of Its Being, which is everything. And I Loved It-All-Me with the intensity and core of Being, which is everything. There is nothing more to search for after that.

Then, after some "experiences" similar to the one above, I was brought back to this world. I found myself standing in my room, my head back and my eyes up. Stunned, opened, in a state of Grace I opened my ACIM book and was led to read "The Happy Dream."

I spent two weeks in joy. During the last few days, the joy and vision and sense of completion faded, and disappeared. Then I was bereft. I didn't want to be here. But one thing I knew, God is Real. That awareness has served to bring me here, a brighter place.

It was a 20-year voyage in this place called time - world - place. A Course in Miracles (ACIM) and other tools have served in my healing, of the healing of Laurie. This healing has been to remove the blocks to the awareness of love's presence. Block by block. Surrender by surrender.

I have a vision of a computer game, remove the blocks to the awareness. It's about surrender. I have to give up playing the game, sit back and let a Higher Source play the game through me. I will try to interfere, but will be most successful when I put down my "arms."

That's this world I'm seeing. A computer game. A play. A dream. An image. An imagination. It's a tool...or a weapon, depending on how I see it. It serves me, or it serves me up on a platter. My choice. It's amazing how often I picked the latter choice, thinking I had no choice. But, no guilt. It didn't really matter I chose, because the end is sure.

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