Friday, December 17, 2010

I am honored to be among the ministers of God

Laurie, Rev. Kathy, Rev. Sharyn
 Dear Friends, I am grateful and honored to be with all of you in heart and mind and oneness.

This is to announce that I have finished the curriculum to become a Pathways of Light minister and was ordained November 21, 2010.

My first Pathways of Light minister facilitator was Rev. Kathy Thompson, who made her transition on July 19, 2010. I was blessed to have spent many hours with her during the previous year and a half before that because I had moved about a half an hour from Bumpity Road, the ONEderful, high-energy-of-love home where she lived with Robert and where everyone was welcomed.

My second minister facilitator was Rev. Sharyn Zenz, whom I had known and loved from attending the Wednesday night meetings at the Pathways facility. Shortly after Kathy’s transition, I started hearing and knowing Kathy’s guidance. One thing we both agreed on was that I needed to finish up my ministerial program post-haste and that I should ask Sharyn to help me finish it.

Sharyn lovingly accepted. Together we have shared this beautiful path with both of us knowing and feeling Kathy’s presence.

Thank you Kathy and Sharyn for your love, guidance and friendship on this amazing journey. I am honored to be among the ministers of God.

Love Laurie

Note: Pictured in order are Laurie, Kathy and Sharyn

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