Friday, May 15, 2009

Spirit helps me "cope" with other's pain

As I was saying in an earlier post today, I was having an amazing experience of the divine dance yesterday. 

During this time, I got a phone call from someone who was not as happy as I was. She was saying how I whitewashed things about people and didn't see the "truth" about them, not like her. 

No, I said, I'm seeing things from a different perspective. 

Then I thought, wow, what a waste to not be able to use the "painful gifts" of others to help you learn how to forgive, how to forgive yourself, how the let go of feeling like a victim, how to learn to soar in the freedom of this joyous feeling. I was thinking, wow, I'm so glad I'm able to use this painful gift so much more than I used to.

I said, would you rather be right or happy? If you didn't recognize it, that is from A Course in Miracles. It's a a famous question because the ego always wants to be right. The ego says, I know what's going on here, they are hurting me on purpose, they are crucifying me, I'm the victim, they are the perpetrators, I'm innocent, they are devils, I'm right...miserable, but right. 

So when I don't see that about the ego, I don't realize that it's always true that what you see in others, you see in yourself. You cannot see a devil without believing it is you as well. I said, Peace is something really really worth protecting. I didn't say much because I'm letting Love guide me, when I can get out it the way, LOL. I am reminded that it doesn't matter what I say, what I said, it doesn't matter. I probably won't reach into someone else's heart with words. (Funny for an English Major to say that, LOL!) It's the love in my mind that really helps, so I just started visualizing the person I was talking to as being what they truly are, the light, the love, the Real Light, the Real Love, the Connecting Force. Thank you for the opportunity for more healing, Dear Love.

Note: I was thinking, oh my friend is not seeing that. And now I'm seeing, Neat! They are a mirror to me. There is still a part of me that sees the "devil" in others, no matter how "small" that part is, or I wouldn't even see it in that friends words. I wouldn't see anything but the Divine Light that she is.

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