Friday, September 29, 2006

Am I worthy to see a spiritual master?

A friend of mine saw Jesus, but was he worthy of it?

Do we have to earn the right to be worthy to see someone, say such as a spiritual master? I guess it seems like they would appear to someone who could carry their message to others, maybe that is why we think "worthiness" is an issue here.

Do you believe in spiritual masters who can appear and disappear at will?

Recently we have had a lot of "excitement" in this community because some well-known ACIM students/writers decided to challenge the idea that, Arten and Pursah, the spiritual masters of Gary Renard's books, even actually exist. Well, you probably know the rest, and anyway, that isn't the main focus of this discussion.

But I think it's important to notice that we are always talking to people who don't exist: each other. According to A Course in Miracles (as I understand it), there is only ONE of us. That is the meaning of Oneness.

So if you "see" someone who doesn't exist, (seeing meaning to detect them in some way), is it a mistake to talk to them?

What about Jesus? Isn't he one of them? There have been many many people who have said that they have seen him. Is that different than seeing Arten or Pursah?

Someone I know had an experience seeing Jesus about 30-some years ago. He was in his car, driving when suddenly Jesus appeared on the seat next to him. According to my friend, they had just a "normal" conversation, nothing deep or significant, and then Jesus disappeared into a ray of light. He was shook, but didn't tell anyone for fear of what they would think, if for no other reason than my friend is Jewish and he didn't think people would appreciate him seeing Jesus.

Twenty years later, when I told him about my experience with God, he decided to trust me with his experience of Jesus. I was the first person he had told.

"I can't figure out why he chose me," my friend said. "I'm Jewish."

"Maybe it wasn't just for you, after all you told me the story and it meant a lot to me," I told him.

In actuality, I think communication with someone who can have a spiritual impact on us, for whatever reason, is never just for "me" in the sense that I would believe myself to be a small, separate person. It is always for us, for the ONE us. We don't even have to share the experience in the normal sense because we share the one mind. We are all helped.


Robin said...

Yes - WOW I Love this post Laurie, I love them all, I'm reading your blog and it's awesome...

We are indeed One Mind J's Mind and we are wise to talk to our own Holy Mind however and in whatever form it may appear to us...

Thank you Teach:)


Unknown said...

Thank you, Robin, Dear! I appreciate your feedback. I'm finding this blogging to be a helpful tool to thinking out loud and discovering what's in there. LOL!