Friday, September 29, 2006

Is Elvis an Angel? a Miracle Worker?

We know from biographical accounts that Elvis became very spiritual before he "made his transition" to the next phase of his existance. But now we have some information that he may be assisting people who are having near-death experiences.

According to Dr. Melvin Morse in his book on near-death experiences entitled "Transformed by the Light," a 45 year old Midwestern teacher saw Elvis Presley in an intense light during her near death experience. The woman had met Elvis when she was a child.

The following is from her near-death account:

"I entered into a dark tunnel and suddenly I was in a place filled up with love and a beautiful, bright light. The place seemed holy. My father, who had died two years earlier, was there, as were my grandparents. Everyone was happy to see me, but my father told me it was not my time and I would be going back. Just as I turned to go, I caught sight of Elvis! He was standing in this place of intense bright light. He just came over to me, took my hand and said, "Hi, Bev, do you remember me?" (Mauro,1992)

Dr. Raymond Moody wrote an entire book on Elvis sightings, including near-death experiences, entitled "Elvis After Life." Because of the large number of devoted Elvis fans, it should not be a surprise that people having NDEs should be greeted by the King.

Kevin Williams has this account and others at the web site he authors called "Near-Death Experiences & the Afterlife." Here is the link:

I think Elvis might be using his fame in the service of God, as he sees God, which after all is what Miracle Workers do. As it says in A Course in Miracles (ACIM, Course):

"A teacher of God is anyone who chooses to be one. His qualifications consist solely in this; somehow, somewhere he has made a deliberate choice in which he did not see his interests as apart from someone else's. Once he has done that, his road is established and his direction is sure. A light has entered the darkness. It may be a single light, but that is enough." (ACIM Manual, 1. Who are God's Teachers?"

Some psychics tell us that it is not uncommon for people to continue or begin to do "service work" in the next level, what we might call "life between lives." Being on the spiritual welcome wagon would be one way to do that.

And what are psychics anyway but just people who can communicate with someone who isn't in (what we consider to be) a physical body. After all, as ACIM students many of us communicate with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. At least one ACIM student, Gary Renard, communicates with spiritual Masters who can appear and disappear on this "level" at their discretion.

Madame Helena Blavatsky, the founder of modern Theosophy, is another person reported by psychics to be seen greeting people as they enter the next life.

A teacher of God does not have to be a student of ACIM. In fact, according to that same section:

"He has entered an agreement with God even if he does not yet believe in Him." (ibid)

I don't know about you, but I think Elvis makes a great angel. Good work, brother!

Do you have any thoughts on this topic? If so, then post them here.

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