Thursday, April 27, 2006

My Light Experience and A Course in Miracles

In 1990, I had an experience similiar to a Near-Death Experience (NDE) in which I went to Heaven and met God. Of course, it changed my life!

So much has happened since then, but I continue to feel the Presence of God wherever I go, even when I'm having a "bad day." This experience and my studies of A Course in Miracles have helped me see the Light of God in every face, and it's there, just as He showed it to me. I know I am so blessed, or as most people would say it, so lucky, to have experienced this.

I want to hear from you about your experience or anything else you care to share about your life and your search, or discovery, of God's Light.

I believe the light experience I had was influenced so much by my study of A Course in Miracles (also called the Course or ACIM).

I came to a point where I was desperate. I had searched for years for answers to help me with this difficult life full of pain, depression and despair with thoughts of suicide when I found the Course.

Once I started petitioning God to take me Home, I couldn't stop. I know that I felt I could trust God completely, and that if I could only reach God, everything would get better. I really believed that. And it proved to be true.

I still think about being Home inside of God, and I know we are all there right now, just as He showed me.

If you are interested, read my experience and come back here to share your thoughts on it, and hopefully on your own experiences of Light. Its available at:

I would love to hear from you and I promise to respond to every one who takes the time to post here.

May you have peace and know love,

Laurie Immekus


Bill Lane said...

I have not had a nde that I know of but I had a really challenging childhood. I have found that when the life seems the darkest, it I remind myself that this world is a dream and that God really wants me super happy, free from guilt and free from suffering, a shift occurs that offers a profound peace that is not threatened by anything in the world. Have you had a similar experience?

sethieboy said...

I wanted to say thank you so much for this blog. Reading about your experience has deeply touched me. Today my lesson is "above all else I want to see." And almost every time I say it, I think of your experience, and I tried to imagine what the world would look like your eyes.

It really makes the lesson true for me.... I want to see the world the way you do. :-)

thanks so much for caring your experience.... and your deep desire "to go home."

Much love,

If he'd like to write me, my e-mail address is

Just remove the xyz.

Unknown said...

Thank you both, Bill and Seth.

Bill, wow, I love it when you talk about a shift occuring for you that offers a profound peace. O, I would love to hear more about that anytime you would like to share it.

Yes, I have had some profound shifts into peace. Sometimes it's tempting for me to think that some are bigger or better than others. But the Course says, oh you know, in the Miracle Principles, that all miracles, all acts of love, are is not bigger or better than another...this beautiful reminder from the Course adds to the beauty of these shifts into peace for me because it is a reminder that this limiting dream is not defining us, not holding us back from reality, not imprisoning us.

Thank you for your thoughtful sharing, Bill.

And, O Seth, you make me cry. It's hard to explain, but I have spent so much time in darkness, even since my 1990 experience. That experience has kept me going...I needed it. It is so much lighter now. I asked HS a few months ago, why am I still here? Did you want me to do anything else? And then I have a day with an amazingly beautiful shift into peace and joy and shining light. And then I remember, oh yeah, this is about awakening. That's what I'm doing. No tap dancing required. No need to achieve some big thing in the world. It doesn't mean I can't do that either, just that it's not required.

I don't know if I make sense to you, I'm just kind of rambling. But I'm very grateful, and I appreciate that I am helpful to you. Please know that you are so so so helpful to me.

Please come back anytime and share. Hugs, Laurie