Friday, April 28, 2006

Disappearance of the Universe and Pathways of Light

Wednesday I had a lot of places to go, but thankfully, I started out the day reviewing the ACIM lesson for that day, Lesson 116. I am finding it to be so helpful to practice the lesson throughout the day, and with this lesson, it is to review it briefly each half hour.

I was driving to a store and started to pull into a parking spot. Yes, you got it...the perfect forgiveness experience, someone else pulled in from the other side of the spot and beat me to it! LOL! The first thing I remember thinking was, "That's my spot!" But within that same minute I remembered something Gary Renard said in The Disappearance of the Universe, that he forgave Arten and Pursah for leaving and then he forgave himself for missing them. I decided to forgive the other driver for taking "my" spot and then forgive myself for being upset to begin with. It was so prompted me to have a great realization: since this is a dream and we have all awoken in reality, then the other driver had also forgiven me and himself. Then I had a beautiful experience: I briefly envisioned us all back in Heaven, just like all those happy-face egg-beings I saw in my Light Experience.

Wow! That was the best time I ever had in a parking lot! LOL

Later that day I went to the Wednesday night meeting at Pathways of Light ( We are studying the book Dialogue on Awakening, by Tom and Linda Carpenter. As always, it was a great group of people and Robert and Mary Stoelting infuse the environment with love. It's always a pleasure to go there.


Erik Archbold said...

Beautiful application of forgiveness! I especially like the part about you realizing that since there is only one dreamer, then the driver in other car must have also forgiven you and himself in that same instant. I've never quite thought of it that way, but what a beautiful realization to have. Thank you for sharing.

Unknown said...

Thank you for reading this, Erik, and so much for responding. I went back and read what I wrote, and got a lot out of it.

It's funny, 'cause the ego says things to me like "oh, he liked what you wrote something're special..." and on and on and on like that. I'm enjoying that I am noticing what things the ego is saying, but it's sometimes hard to forgive myself for the yukky things I hear the ego saying in my mind. I am going to take a moment here and remember what I learned when I was attending Pathways in 2006...that I am not the ego, those ego thoughts are not my thoughts...they are ego thoughts. The ego is not real, but I am real, hence, the ego thoughts are not my thoughts.

Another thing I want to remind myself is that I am not guilty, no matter what. Whew whew and whew...wipe 55 years of the sweat off my brow with that one! LOL! Or maybe it's more like a millenium of sweat. 'Cause, it does feel like I am healing more than this one "lifetime" with forgiveness, guiltlessness, willingness.

Hugs Erik.