Saturday, April 14, 2007

Forgiveness is my message from Holy Spirit today

This morning I was listening to Holy Spirit. My mind was noisy again, for a short time. I just want to give first, what my lesson/message was from Him so I don't forget.

He said I can apply forgiveness all day, more than I realized before. I can see that forgiveness is a part of the Diamond I saw from being in Heaven. The Diamond represents all the aspects of reality or those things in the illusion that lead to reality. So not only are giving and receiving the same, but forgiveness is the same with them because they are all parts, all facets of the Diamond.

He said I could use forgiveness all day long, practically in every minute.

One of the things he showed me is that I haven't forgiven myself for all the unforgiving roles I've played as a body in the illusion. It can work when you think of “past lives” or if you work with only “one life,” for as we know from ACIM Teacher's Manual:

There is no past or future, and the idea of birth into a body has no meaning either once or many times. Reincarnation cannot, then, be true in any real sense. Our only question should be, “Is the concept helpful?” [M.24.para1.lines 2-4]

So I was looking at some drama from my dream when I awoke this morning, and the Holy Spirit used it to help me in this way. In the drama, sometimes I was a prisoner/slave and sometimes I was a guard. The picture kept changing so I went back and forth being slave/master/prisoner/guard without a break in the story line. When I was a guard most of the time I felt so “good.” I wasn't afraid of anything and I felt like I was one of the good people. When I was a slave or prisoner I felt fear and guilt and shame and anger. I was in the group of people trying to escape. Next thing I know, I'm trying to stop the prisoners from escaping and from hurting us, the “innocent” ones.

So, fast forward to now: because I haven't forgiven myself for all the unforgiving roles I've played as a body in the illusion, I find many ways to keep this “role play” going on and on. One thing He showed me I do is to look for the role play when I watch TV: I like shows that I can use to make myself feel innocent, I join in the role of someone in the show. Obviously, this is the answer to the reason I like to watch shows in which they find the guilty person and lock them up, so we “good” people can be safe. But also, that it works in ways that don't seem so obvious. That I like some science fiction because the people in it are free of guilt, they are following noble goals, they are not trapped in “old-world” thinking.

There was a lot more coming to me from Holy Spirit but I'm going to finish this retelling of it for now. The main thing was that I can use forgiveness much more than I thought I could as the day goes on. Holy Spirit said that in almost every moment that I am “in the world” there is an opportunity for forgiveness.

Then when the lesson was over I had a clear mind again. I felt peaceful. And so grateful to have a bigger picture of how to forgive throughout the day.

Forgiving as it teaches in ACIM: that this is only a dream, you and I are not guilty, we are spirit. We are One with God and with each other. There are no bad people, no good people. There is only Us and we are in this together.

Thank you Father.

Hugs all

Monday, April 02, 2007

Somethin's goin on here...

...inside my mind. It's quiet!!!

Hallelujah! Halle-leu! Halle-leu!

And so I thought, does this mean I'm enlightened? Well I found out when I started listening to people on ACIM Gather and by reading stuff on this group that I'm not enlightened. I felt jealousy, lack, and saw myself planning ways to make myself look good. LOL! It's so funny, that ego is so funny when you watch it like this.

But what I'm noticing is now that my mind is quiet-er, it's much much easier to watch the mind. Well I was able to watch the mind before, but because of the pain in my thoughts/feelings, I had to do lots of things to cover up the pain.

Just take my word for it when you meet other Course students who are overweight or smoking or watching too much tv or doing something else that doesn't seem real consistent with letting go of the world, or you are doing it yourself, that person is 99.9% likely to be in real mental/emotional pain. Compassion is called for here...this is a hard way to get yourself ready for enlightment but it seems to be what works for some of us.

That's me. Or it was me, but now it really really looks like I'm free of it. This is the first time I'm talking about it after five days of it because I wasn't sure if the ego was fooling me and being quiet to lure me in. LOL! Now I know! There was a healing! A Healing! WooHoo!!!

This morning I was sitting in the kitchen having absolutely no cravings for food. So I just ate what I thought would be good for my body at the same time I was thinking about how my body isn't real. LOL! That's not normal for me!! Well, what I mean is, it WASN'T normal for me, but it is becoming normal for me. WOOT! (Did you notice I'm happy here?)

But the really really neat cool sweet part is that I just sat there in the quiet, and I had no desire to do anything. I need do nothing. Oh no, now I'm crying for joy just thinking about it. I'm so happy, so grateful. I love you all so much. Thank you, Friends. Going off to meditate now, will talk again.

Hugs All! Laurie Light Experiences

(note: reprinted from