Friday, May 05, 2006

Love is All There Is: Melissa's Experience

Melissa Barnes shared some of her experience in response to another person's need for help (on I'm so glad she let me post this here, and I will be moving it to the Light Experiences website after it's been here awhile. Please respond if this resonates with you.

Melissa's post:

I got very sick and after 16 days of having had no food, I started to have all these religious experiences. I had realization after realization. I experienced the love of Higher Spirit that exists. It was all consuming - and wonderful. It was like everything else was a myth was not real and that love is all there is. I realized I had spent most of life worrying, angry, resentful, feeling hurt etc., etc and that none of it mattered. It was like I was an onion and I'd lived my life as an apple only to find out I'm an onion, always have been an onion and always will be an onion. The other interesting thing I found out was that we are all the same - we are all onions (so to speak) and the core of the onion is the same in all of us - pure love. I still haven't fit all the pieces together and don't know if I ever will which is why I became interested in ACIM (A Course in Miracles).

It feels now like it always did, the only difference is I can remember the experience I had which gives me hope and faith. Having done some research into this, I've found that often the reason many guru's and others fast is to experience closeness to God and to have these kind of religious experiences.

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