Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Light discussed at Afterlife Knowledge

Thanks to the Dear Ones at the Afterlife Knowledge forum, we have a thoughtful thread on "The Light," at this link:;action=display;num=1145667214;start=0

It has a lot to do with a near death experience, a light experience, unconditional love, seeing the tunnel and the light at the end.

Here's some of my reply:

You asked if anyone had experienced the warmth and love of the light.

Yes, I did experience the Light your relative told you about. The whole experience brings tears to my eyes too when I sit and think about it even now 16 years later.

We talk about it being the light, and for those who don't remember having experienced it, the first natural inclination would be to compare it to what we have experienced as light here; ie; sunlight. Sunlight seems to shine on us, to warm us, blind us, allow us to see things in this world. The Light on "the other side" is a more immersive experience, more like being immersed in water, but even more than that. The feeling of having no point of separation between you and the Light is one of the most awesome and wonderful aspects of it. You feel the Light in all your being, and you trust it, for you know everything it knows, and everything it knows is an aspect of Love, and you are too. All these things are happening at once, and more.

When I want to remember it, to languor in the memory, I often think about being immersed, and it all floods back to me. (Nice how those words worked together.)

Laurie and Marion, ca. 1969

My mother, Marion, and me, ca. 1969.
Twenty years after she made her transition, I discovered my mother is present in the picture as the shadow on the lower right. That was a great light experience. I feel like she is saying hello to me when I look at this.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Disappearance of the Universe and Pathways of Light

Wednesday I had a lot of places to go, but thankfully, I started out the day reviewing the ACIM lesson for that day, Lesson 116. I am finding it to be so helpful to practice the lesson throughout the day, and with this lesson, it is to review it briefly each half hour.

I was driving to a store and started to pull into a parking spot. Yes, you got it...the perfect forgiveness experience, someone else pulled in from the other side of the spot and beat me to it! LOL! The first thing I remember thinking was, "That's my spot!" But within that same minute I remembered something Gary Renard said in The Disappearance of the Universe, that he forgave Arten and Pursah for leaving and then he forgave himself for missing them. I decided to forgive the other driver for taking "my" spot and then forgive myself for being upset to begin with. It was so prompted me to have a great realization: since this is a dream and we have all awoken in reality, then the other driver had also forgiven me and himself. Then I had a beautiful experience: I briefly envisioned us all back in Heaven, just like all those happy-face egg-beings I saw in my Light Experience.

Wow! That was the best time I ever had in a parking lot! LOL

Later that day I went to the Wednesday night meeting at Pathways of Light ( We are studying the book Dialogue on Awakening, by Tom and Linda Carpenter. As always, it was a great group of people and Robert and Mary Stoelting infuse the environment with love. It's always a pleasure to go there.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

My Light Experience and A Course in Miracles

In 1990, I had an experience similiar to a Near-Death Experience (NDE) in which I went to Heaven and met God. Of course, it changed my life!

So much has happened since then, but I continue to feel the Presence of God wherever I go, even when I'm having a "bad day." This experience and my studies of A Course in Miracles have helped me see the Light of God in every face, and it's there, just as He showed it to me. I know I am so blessed, or as most people would say it, so lucky, to have experienced this.

I want to hear from you about your experience or anything else you care to share about your life and your search, or discovery, of God's Light.

I believe the light experience I had was influenced so much by my study of A Course in Miracles (also called the Course or ACIM).

I came to a point where I was desperate. I had searched for years for answers to help me with this difficult life full of pain, depression and despair with thoughts of suicide when I found the Course.

Once I started petitioning God to take me Home, I couldn't stop. I know that I felt I could trust God completely, and that if I could only reach God, everything would get better. I really believed that. And it proved to be true.

I still think about being Home inside of God, and I know we are all there right now, just as He showed me.

If you are interested, read my experience and come back here to share your thoughts on it, and hopefully on your own experiences of Light. Its available at:

I would love to hear from you and I promise to respond to every one who takes the time to post here.

May you have peace and know love,

Laurie Immekus