Saturday, August 22, 2015

Depression: To Meerah the Red Octopus aka Carolyn Kim

Dear Friend, take heart. You are not alone.

Some things about Depression:

Depression often comes from a desire to have something that appears to be missing. This is relatively new information to me, someone who has lived a life with depression. Knowing this helps me quite a bit because when I start to get depressed I can ask myself: what do I think is missing. Those who are listening to Spirit know that nothing real can be missing. Only the ephemeral can be missing, and that is always missing, because it is only temporary.

Depression may also come from anger. In the 12-step groups there is a saying that depression is anger-turned-inward. When you are angry and turn that anger on yourself it becomes depression. Why do we become angry? Maybe we are not getting something that we want to have or to have happen? That goes back to the first point, something appears to be missing.

Depressed thoughts are circular. One thought leads to another to another and round and round and these thoughts cannot be stopped or answered or satisfied. If someone asks why you are depressed it would be hard to pinpoint only one reason. The reasons go on and on.

Depressed people, who are also angry, may have thoughts about killing themselves. We all know that. One person can feel this way for a lifetime and never go through with it. Another person can feel this way once and that is all they need.

Suicidal thoughts are also angry thoughts. Sometimes the desire to punish or stop something or someone is what motivates suicide.

Many of us who have lived with depression have been trained that we don't have the right to disagree or voice our opinions. The situations that triggered us to silence our voices happened early in life, and might not be remembered easily. Some people go through hypnosis and other helpful techniques to uncover these answers. Also, practiced spiritual listening sessions, mind watching, and guided meditations can help a lot.

I addressed this to Meerah because she has disabled comments on her blog, but really this is for all of us.

Love to you, Always,
