Thursday, October 05, 2006

A Simple Act of Forgiveness, but how?

As the Amish families in Pennslyvania are forgiving today, the media is asking "How can you forgive so soon?"

Perhaps the media doesn't really understand forgiveness, at least not "advanced forgiveness." In advance forgiveness, we don't look at what the person did and try to accept it. Nor do we say, "It's ok that you transgressed. I will be the bigger person and forgive you."

Advanced forgiveness is much simpler than that, and also less understood. It is seeing the "reality" of the person, seeing them as we believe God would see them: as a spirit, as a child of God, as the love of God. We don't even look at their actions during the forgiveness process. This actually makes it easier if you can attempt this process because you don't have to look at what they did and try to understand it or accept it.

So we say, "I see you for who you really are, God's Child. Healed, whole, one with God, the Light, the Love of God. My brother. And in this light I see myself the same way."

Perhaps this is how Gandhi was able to forgive the man who shot him, causing his fatal wound.

You can be a force for love, God's Love, in this world. Just practice forgiveness everyday, with everyone you know, see, or meet. Including yourself.

For more information on forgiveness, God and Love, take a look at the books called A Course in Miracles (acim).

God is Love

God is Love. That is what I discovered during my light experience, when I went to Heaven. God is Love, and we are His creations: we are created FROM Love. In Love. As Love.

ACIM Gather this week: Worthiness

Greetings Dears!

This week during the Light Experiences chat group, hosted by ACIM Gather on Paltalk, we talked about "Worthiness" and David Fishman gave a synopsis of his light experience, which he experienced as an out-of-body experience, and experienced "electricity" going through his body. Thank you, David, that was so powerful. This chat group was a fantastic time and a meaningful time of sharing.

Please join us next Thursday when we will discuss "The Ego Screams" and will ask for a volunteer to share their light experience.